DAISY Come back downstairs. APRIL I...

Waist Deep

April Daisy

See more scenes from Jennifer Reichert


DAISY Come back downstairs.

APRIL I’m good here.

DAISY It’s a party. You should be there.

APRIL It’s not my party. I think it’s better if I’m up here. I think this is the right distance for everyone to enjoy the party. Did you also get tired of listening to the ways our new president is going to re-build relationships with Russia?

DAISY No. (beat) It’s hot up here.

APRIL So go back down.

DAISY You’re acting like a brat.

APRIL I actually thought this was the grownup way to handle things. Squash down your unfavorable opinions so others are more comfortable around you. If you can’t say something nice...

DAISY Go hide in the attic? Mom is looking for you. Again. C’mon, you can’t keep doing this.

APRIL I tried, Daisy. I came here. I tried. (beat) He’s glad that I lost my job.


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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