Start: Lucy: Well—madam, now have I dres...

The Country Wife

Lucy Alithea

See more scenes from William Wycherley


Start: Lucy: Well—madam, now have I dressed you, and set you out with so many ornaments, and spent upon you ounces of essence and pulvillio; and all this for no other purpose but as people adorn and perfume a corpse for a stinking second-hand grave: such, or as bad, I think Master Sparkish's bed.

Alithea: Hold your peace.

Lucy: Nay, madam, I will ask you the reason why you would banish poor Master Harcourt for ever from your sight; how could you be so hard-hearted?

Alithea: 'Twas because I was not hard-hearted.

Lucy: No, no; 'twas stark love and kindness, I warrant.

Alithea: It was so; I would see him no more because I love him.

Lucy: Hey day, a very pretty reason!

Alithea: You do not understand me.

Lucy: I wish you may yourself.

Alithea: I was engaged to marry, you see, another man, whom


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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