Lexi: I can't go to your party. Piper...

The Earth You Created

Lexi Piper

See more scenes from Sydney Painter


Lexi: I can't go to your party.

Piper: But you just said –

Lexi: I'm gonna be here, but I can't go. Think about it, genius. I can't be going to your solstice party. What would Jesus say about that?

Piper: Oh come on! It's just an excuse for a party; it's not that serious!

Lexi: It's Paganism, Piper, and it's very serious.

Piper: It's just fun. You know none of us take the Wiccan thing seriously anymore. I really want you to be there.

Lexi: I don’t ask you to compromise on what you believe in! / I can’t go, ok!

Piper: You do kinda.

Lexi: What?

Piper: Nothing.

Lexi: I don’t demand that you love Jesus. You’ll find Him when you’re ready.

Piper: I know. You’ve been very accommodating to us heathen folk.

Lexi: Piper, don’t make a joke out of this. Everyone has their own path to Jesus, and


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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