NICK (rubbing his hands together to warm...


Nick Ron

See more scenes from Sharon Cooper


NICK (rubbing his hands together to warm up) How long do you think idiots have been standing outside waiting for a freakin’ ball to drop? Jeez Louise, sugar, is it cold.

RON Dude, you’re not at school—you can swear. So, where’s Jackie?

NICK On her way. What do you wanna drink?

RON Ah, whatever. Budweiser, I guess.

NICK This round’s on me.

RON Johnnie Walker Blue Label.

Nick gives Ron a look and walks away. Ron takes out his phone and talks to it.

RON Siri, in what year--

The noise from the bar increases, and Ron leans into his phone. Nick returns with drinks; Ron is still engrossed in his phone. Nick holds out a bottle of water for Ron.

NICK Helllooo?

RON (referring to the drink) What the hell?

Nick points to a blue label on the water bottle.

NICK Blue Label.

RON Ass—it’s 1907, by the


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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