DIAPHANTA Cuds, madam, are you here?...

The Changeling

Beatrice Diaphanta

See more scenes from Thomas Middleton William Rowley


DIAPHANTA Cuds, madam, are you here?

BEATRICE [Aside] Seeing that wench now,

A trick comes in my mind; 'tis a nice piece

Gold cannot purchase.--I come hither, wench,

To look my lord.

DIAPHANTA [Aside] Would I had such a cause

To look him too.--Why, he's i' th' park, madam.

BEATRICE There let him be.

DIAPHANTA Ay, madam, let him compass

Whole parks and forests, as great rangers do;

At roosting time a little lodge can hold 'em.

Earth-conquering Alexander, that thought the world

Too narrow for him, in the end had but his pit-hole.

BEATRICE I fear thou art not modest, Diaphanta.

DIAPHANTA Your thoughts are so unwilling to be known, madam;

'Tis ever the bride's fashion towards bedtime

To set light by her joys, as if she ow'd 'em not.

BEATRICE Her joys? Her fears, thou wouldst say.


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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