ALSEMERO Jasperino, I have news to t...

The Changeling

Alsemero Jasperino

See more scenes from Thomas Middleton William Rowley


ALSEMERO Jasperino,

I have news to tell thee, strange news.

JASPERINO I ha' some too,

I think as strange as yours; would I might keep

Mine, so my faith and friendship might be kept in't.

Faith, sir, dispense a little with my zeal,

And let it cool in this.

ALSEMERO This puts me on,

And blames thee for thy slowness.

JASPERINO All may prove nothing,

Only a friendly fear that leapt from me, sir.

ALSEMERO No question it may prove nothing; let's partake it, though.

JASPERINO 'Twas Diaphanta's chance--for to that wench

I pretend honest love, and she deserves it--

To leave me in a back part of the house,

A place we chose for private conference;

She was no sooner gone, but instantly

I heard your bride's voice in the next room to me

And, lending more attention, found Deflores

Louder then


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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