JIM Nurse! I can't wait all day. I have...

It's an Emergency, Don't Hurry!

Jim Nurse

See more scenes from Tom Attea


JIM Nurse! I can't wait all day. I have appointments to keep!

NURSE Maybe you should come back later.

JIM I would, if I could. But that's my problem. I can't remember what my appointments are.

NURSE Why not?

JIM I lost my memory!


(hands him sheet of paper)

First, you have to fill this out.

JIM (looks it over)

Wow, I'm really in trouble.

NURSE What's the problem?

JIM You want to know my name, my address, my phone number! How can I tell you things like that when I lost my memory?

NURSE I'm sorry, sir. Everyone has to fill one of these out. If you can't do it yourself, you'll have to have a family member or friend do it.

JIM But, nurse, if I could remember who my family and friends are, I'd still have my memory.

NURSE I'm sorry, sir. Rules are rules.

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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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