Father. That was a lovely tea Brenda: I...

Another Saturday Night

Carol Jones (Wadsworth to be) Mr. Ernie Jones Mrs. Brenda Jones

See more scenes from Alan Lowe


Father. That was a lovely tea Brenda: I love Spam fritters and beans.

Mother. I just wish we could afford real meat every day Ernie. I do hate to have to make do.

Father. We don’t exactly have to “make do” as you put it, plenty of people are worse off than us, how many do you know can afford a week at Butlin’s every year?

Mother. Oh I know you’re right, we should be grateful, it was much worse just after the war, everything on ration.

Father. I’m just grateful our Carol won’t have to go through what we went through, though sometimes I don’t think she knows how lucky she is.

Mother. I don’t think any youngster today realise how lucky they are, all they seem to care about is having a good time and listening to that awful noise they call music.

Father. Still, that’s why we fought the war, so


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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