ALAN. "God I'm glad to get inside, it's...

Waiting For a Train

Alan Rowe Dave Bolland

See more scenes from Alan Lowe


ALAN. "God I'm glad to get inside, it's bloody freezing out there. (Seeing the ladies.) Sorry, didn't mean to swear but it is hellish cold outside.

(The ladies pointedly ignore him and his friend, though Christine gives them a weak smile.)

DAVE. (Quietly.) "Well they seem a welcoming trio, had a better welcome from my mother-in-law. Do you think we should have stuck around until the coppers came? that bloke looked pretty badly hurt."

ALAN. "There were plenty of people about and two looked like they knew what they were doing. That fellow I was talking to said the bloke who attacked the man was a hell of a size and didn't stop even when the guy was on the ground."

DAVE. "Did he say why he attacked the man"?

ALAN. "Just said it was unprovoked, the


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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