MARY. (Still knitting.) "Looks like we'r...

Waiting For a Train

Susan Sharp Mary Norman Alan Rowe Dave Bolland

See more scenes from Alan Lowe


MARY. (Still knitting.) "Looks like we're stuck here for a while longer, mind you those two are very entertaining." (Indicating Alan and David.)

SUSAN. "I've seen some daft things in my life but that just about took the biscuit. What do you reckon that was all about"?

MARY. "Well they both obviously thought that big bloke was going to batter them, but I wonder why? Do you think they know each other"?

SUSAN. "Didn't look like it, maybe they are just the nervous types. Look, I am going to ask them what was going on, it seems pretty weird to me."

MARY. (Putting down her knitting.)"I'll come with you."

(They both approach Alan and David.)

SUSAN. "What on earth was going on with you and that bloke? Why are you so frightened of him? Do you


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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