TEODORO: It's her! DIANA: Attend....

The Dog in the Manger

Diana Teodoro

See more scenes from Lope de Vega


TEODORO: It's her!

DIANA: Attend.

TEODORO: Your servant, madam.

DIANA: A friend of mine, uncertain of her skill, has asked me to compose for her this love-note; for friendship's sake, I felt I should, but knowing so little of love, I want you to improve it. Here, read it.

TEODORO: Madam, how could I compete with what you've written? That would be presumptuous. Pray send it to your friend, I need not read it.

DIANA: Read it.

TEODORO: Your doubts astonish me. I've never used lovers' language; this must teach me how to.

DIANA: What, never, ever?

TEODORO: I've so many faults, I'm far too diffident to dare to love.

DIANA: Your diffidence explains, then, your disguising.

TEODORO: Me? Where, or when?

DIANA: They tell me that the steward saw you disguised last night.

TEODORO: Some prank, perhaps;


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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