Irene. "It's not just family holidays th...

The Ticket

Judith Christine Mary Irene Dorothy

See more scenes from Alan Lowe


Irene. "It's not just family holidays that are a fiddle, look how they price things in supermarkets, if you buy in bulk, you know, two for one etc it's a lot cheaper but it means people like me living alone pay a lot more and we pensioners are usually the ones who can least afford to pay."

Christine. "Your right, only me in the house but I still have to heat and light it just like one with a family in it."

Mary. "In fairness you pensioners get that allowance at Christmas off the government and feeding and clothing a family is not cheap but we get no extras."

Judith. "You get child allowance, how much is that a week"?

Mary. "I do get £33 a week, but you trying feeding and clothing two growing children on that."

Christine. "Try living


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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