Jean: You’d be amazed how often I’ve hea...

The Dangers of VD (Valentines Day)

Henry Dyck Paulette Dyck Jean Witherspoon

See more scenes from Chris McKerracher


Jean: You’d be amazed how often I’ve heard those words. (She tries to lift Henry.) Actually, maybe using George’s walker isn’t a bad idea.

Paulette: We would probably end up smashing Henry’s head against the wall.

Jean: What’s the down-side?

Paulette: I want him awake and sober when I kill him. Come on, Jean. Give me a hand.

(They struggle to get Henry standing again… slowly proceed toward bedroom door and make it US of the table.)

Henry: Feliz Navidad… Feliz Navidad…

Paulette: Shut up, Henry. For crying out loud, Jean, I can’t believe you plied him with liquor to soften him up.

Jean: Plied him with liquor? Are you kidding me? He was sucking it back like there was no tomorrow. I’ve never seen anyone drink wine like that, other than that hobo I… well… never mind.

Henry: (Drunk singing to


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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