(The door bangs open and Hamid enters ca...

The Burqa Master

Old Man Hamid

See more scenes from Cid Andrenelli


(The door bangs open and Hamid enters carrying a Jack Russell dog in his arms.)

Old man: (Jumping up.) What is this? Put it down and kick it out the door, then wash your shoe seven times. Oh my God you must wash all seven times! Hands, jacket, everything! You halfwit! How many times have I told you? Never touch a dog; you must get rid of it!

Hamid: (Kicking the door shut behind him.) Dad listen, I can’t . . . I’ve saved him! Some bastard abandoned him. He was tied to a lamp post outside the corner store.

Old Man: I don’t care what some other bloody bastard did! You are not bringing a dog in the house. Oh no! You tried many times as a boy and now you think I am old and gaga? OUT WITH IT!

Hamid: I can’t Dad, he won’t do any harm.

Old Man: Everyone knows Angel Gabriel will not enter any home


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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