[BOBBY F#%k this - I'm out of here....

Six Black Candles

Caroline Donna Geddy Wendy Angie Linda Granny Maw

See more scenes from Des Dillon


[BOBBY F#%k this - I'm out of here.

Bobby walks round her to the door.]

CAROLINE Ye walk out that door - ye're choosin her – a no good slutbag…

[Bobby stands in the doorway.]

CAROLINE - over yer own son.

[Bobby looks back and walks away. Caroline follows him out onto the balcony.]

CAROLINE Right - that's it - ya right rotten bastard – ye’ll never see the wane again – never!!!

Caroline slams the door.

CAROLINE Get that head out the freezer. Get this over wi. I want her out ma house for good.

They move about frantically setting up the living room.

The couch is shoved against the broken door. The six sisters move into a circle around the pentangle, chanting. Moving anti - clockwise with their hands joined palm to palm in the air. Linda is pushed round as part of the circle. Maw


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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