Bel. Sister?—No! Thou art no brother...

The Spanish Tragedy

Bel-Imperia Lorenzo Balthazar

See more scenes from Thomas Kyd


Bel. Sister?—No!

Thou art no brother, but an enemy;

Else wouldst thou not have us'd thy sister so:

First, to affright me with thy weapons drawn,

And with extremes abuse my company;

And then to harry me, like whirlwind's rage,

Amidst a crew of thy confederates,

And clap me up, where none might come at me,

Nor I at any, to reveal my wrongs.

What madding fury did possess thy wits?

Or wherein is't that I offended thee?

Lor. Advise you better, Bel-Imperia,

For I have done you no disparagement;

Unless, by more discretion than deserv'd,

I sought to save your honour and mine own.

Bel. Mine honour? why, Lorenzo, wherein is't

That I neglect my reputation so,

As you, or any, need to rescue it?

Lor. His highness and my father were


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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