Angélique: Toinette! Toinette: Well!...

The Imaginary Invalid

Toinette Angélique

See more scenes from Moliere


Angélique: Toinette!

Toinette: Well! What?

Angélique: Look at me a little.

Toinette: Well, I am looking at you.

Angélique: Toinette!

Toinette: Well! What, Toinette?

Angélique: Don’t you guess what I want to speak about?

Toinette: Oh! Yes, I have some slight idea that you want to speak of our young lover, for it is of him we have been speaking for the last six days, and you are not well unless you mention him at every turn.

Angélique: Since you know what it is I want, why are you not the first to speak to me of him? And why do you not spare me the trouble of being the one to start the conversation?

Toinette: You don’t give me time, and you are so eager that it is difficult to be beforehand with you on the subject.

Angélique: I acknowledge that I am never weary of speaking of him, and that


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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