Argan: I say, Angélique, I have a piece...

The Imaginary Invalid

Argan Toinette Angélique

See more scenes from Moliere


Argan: I say, Angélique, I have a piece of news for you which, perhaps, you did not expect. You have been asked of me in marriage. Halloa! How is that? You are smiling. It is pleasant, is it not, that word marriage? There is nothing so funny to young girls. Ah! Nature! Nature! So, from what I see, daughter, there is no need of my asking you if you are willing to marry.

Angélique: I ought to obey you in everything, father.

Argan: I am very glad to possess such an obedient daughter; the thing is settled then, and I have promised you.

Angélique: It is my duty, father, blindly to follow all you determine upon me.

Argan: My wife, your mother-in-law, wanted me to make a nun of you and your little sister Louison also. She has always been bent upon that.

Toinette: (aside) The excellent creature


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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