Béralde: Let me ask you, brother, above...

The Imaginary Invalid

Argan Béralde

See more scenes from Moliere


Béralde: Let me ask you, brother, above all things not to excite yourself during our conversation.

Argan: I agree.

Béralde: To answer without anger to anything I may mention.

Argan: Very well.

Béralde: And to reason together upon the business I want to discuss with you without any irritation.

Argan: Dear me! Yes. What a preamble!

Béralde: How is it, brother, that, with all the wealth you possess, and with only one daughter--for I do not count the little one--you speak of sending her to a convent?

Argan: How is it, brother, that I am master of my family, and that I can do all that I think fit?

Béralde: Your wife doesn’t fail to advise you to get rid, in that way, of your two daughters; and I have no doubt, through a spirit of charity, she would be charmed to see them both good nuns.



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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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