CLEOPATRA: Sooner shining light Shall...

The Tragedy of Antonie

Cleopatra Eras Charmion

See more scenes from Mary Sidney


CLEOPATRA: Sooner shining light

Shall leave the day, and darkness leave the night:

Sooner moist currents of tempestuous seas

Shall wave in heaven, and the nightly troops

Of stars shall shine within the foaming waves,

Then I thee, Antony, Leave in deep distress.

I am with thee, be it thy worthy soul

Lodge in thy breast, or from that lodging parte

Crossing the joyless lake to take her place

In place prepared for men Demy-gods.

Live, if thee please, if life be loathsome die:

Dead and alive, Antony, thou shalt see

Thy princess follow thee, follow, and lament,

Thy wrack, no less her own then was thy weal.

CHARMION: What helps his wrack this ever-lasting love?

CLEOPATRA: Help, or help not, such must, such ought I prove.

CHARMION: Ill done to lose your self, and to no end.



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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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