START. Nurse Monika: Mr. Möbius. Möbi...

The Physicists

Johann Wilhelm Möbius Monika Stettler

See more scenes from Friedrich Dürrenmatt


START. Nurse Monika: Mr. Möbius.

Möbius: (Stops) Yes, Nurse?

Nurse Monika: I have to talk to you.

Möbius: Go ahead.

[... … …]

END: Möbius: Wait a moment. Come to me.

She goes to him. Only their silhouettes are visible.

Nurse Monika: You have tears in your eyes.

Möbius: You too.

Nurse Monika: Tears of happiness.

He tears down the curtain and throws it over her. A brief struggle. The silhouettes are no longer visible. Then silence.

Dürrenmatt, Friedrich, The Physicists, Grove Press, 1986, pp. 34-43.

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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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