HERACLES Oh, that I might bring your wif...


Admetus Heracles

See more scenes from Euripides


HERACLES Oh, that I might bring your wife back into the light of day from the dwelling of the Under-Gods, as a gift of grace to you!

ADMETUS I know you would wish this-but to what end? The dead cannot return to the light of day.

HERACLES Do not exaggerate, but bear this with decorum.

ADMETUS Easier to advise than bear the test.

HERACLES How will it aid you to lament for ever?

ADMETUS I know-but my love whirls me away.

HERACLES Love for the dead leads us to tears.

ADMETUS I am overwhelmed beyond words.

HERACLES You have lost a good wife-who denies it?

ADMETUS So that for me there is no more pleasure in life.

HERACLES Time will heal this open wound.

ADMETUS You might say Time, if Time were death!

HERACLES Another woman, a new marriage, shall console you.

ADMETUS Oh, hush! What


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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