Start: ARTHUR: Mr. Darcy? Hello? I’m loo...

Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley

Mary Bennet Arthur De Bourgh

See more scenes from Lauren Gunderson Margot Melcon


Start: ARTHUR: Mr. Darcy? Hello? I’m looking for...well, anyone at this point.

He notices the tree. Then immediately sees the library and heads with relief right to the open map Mary left from last night. Mary enters.

MARY: Excuse me, sir, but that is not your map.

ARTHUR: Oh. Hello. No. However I am acquainted with the man who I presume is its owner. I am, in fact, mid-search for Mr. Darcy at present. I have only just arrived. If you might be kind enough to orient me in his general direction?

MARY: If you might be kind enough to introduce yourself. Miss Mary Bennet.

[.. ... ..]

End: ARTHUR: Oh my.

MARY: —the best course of action, much like the bear encounters I’ve read of, is to remain calm, declare peace, and back slowly away.

ARTHUR: Thank you, Miss Bennet. I often find myself quite

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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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