_([Quex] immediately locks the door at w...

The Gay Lord Quex

Sophy Fullgarney The Marquess of Quex

See more scenes from Arthur Wing Pinero


([Quex] immediately locks the door at which [the Duchess] has departed and slips the key into his waistcoat pocket. This done, he pulls the bell-rope communicating with the maid’s room and takes up a position against the wall so that the opening of the passage door conceals him from the view of the person entering. After a pause the door is opened and Sophy appears. The frills of her nightdress peep out from under the Mandarin robe, and she is wearing a pair of scarlet cloth slippers; altogether she presents an odd, fantastic figure. She pauses in the doorway hesitatingly, then steadies herself and, with a defiant air, stalks into the bedroom. Directly she has moved away, Quex softly closes the door, locks it, and pockets the key. Meanwhile Sophy, looking about the bedroom for the


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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