Mabel Chiltern. You are very late! L...

An Ideal Husband

Mabel Chiltern Lord Goring

See more scenes from Oscar Wilde


Mabel Chiltern. You are very late!

Lord Goring. Have you missed me?

Mabel Chiltern. Awfully!

Lord Goring. Then I am sorry I did not stay away longer. I like being missed.

Mabel Chiltern. How very selfish of you!

Lord Goring. I am very selfish.

Mabel Chiltern. You are always telling me of your bad qualities, Lord Goring.

Lord Goring. I have only told you half of them as yet, Miss Mabel!

Mabel Chiltern. Are the others very bad?

Lord Goring. Quite dreadful! When I think of them at night I go to sleep at once.

Mabel Chiltern. Well, I delight in your bad qualities. I wouldn’t have you part with one of them.

Lord Goring. How very nice of you! But then you are always nice. By the way, I want to ask you a

question, Miss Mabel. Who brought Mrs. Cheveley here? That woman in


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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