Duke. (to his attendants) Be good enough...

The Gondoliers

The Duke of Plaza-Toro The Duchess of Plaza-Toro Casilda

See more scenes from W.S. Gilbert Arthur Sullivan


Duke. (to his attendants) Be good enough to inform His Majesty that His Grace the Duke of Plaza-Toro, Limited, has arrived, and begs —

Casilda. Desires —

Duchess. Demands —

Duke. And demands an audience. (Exeunt attendants.) And now, my child, prepare to receive the husband to whom you were united under such interesting and romantic circumstances.

Casilda. But which is it? There are two of them!

Duke. It is true that at present His Majesty is a double gentleman; but as soon as the circumstances of his marriage are ascertained, he will, ipso facto, boil down to a single gentleman — thus presenting a unique example of an individual who becomes a single man and a married man by the same operation.

Duchess. (severely) I have known instances in which the characteristics of both conditions


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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