PHŒBE. Father! Has no reprieve arrived...

The Yeomen of the Guard

Sergeant Meryll Phoebe Meryll

See more scenes from Arthur Sullivan W.S. Gilbert


PHŒBE. Father! Has no reprieve arrived for the poor gentleman?

Meryll. No, my lass; but there’s one hope yet. Thy brother Leonard, who, as a reward for his valour in saving his standard and cutting his way through fifty foes who would have hanged him, has been appointed a Yeoman of the Guard, will arrive today; and as he comes straight from Windsor, where the Court is, it may be – it may be – that he will bring the expected reprieve with him.

PHŒBE. Oh, that he may!

MERYLL. Amen to that! For the Colonel twice saved my life, and I’d give the rest of my life to save his! And wilt thou not be glad to welcome thy brave brother, with the fame of whose exploits all England is a-ringing?

PHŒBE. Aye, truly, if he brings the reprieve.

MERYLL. And not otherwise?

PHŒBE. Well, he’s a brave


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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