**Wagner:** Let’s go on! The world has d...

Faust, Part One

Heinrich Faust Wagner

See more scenes from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Wagner: Let’s go on! The world has darkened,

The air is cool: the mists descend!

Man values his own house at night.

What is it occupies your sight?

What troubles you so, in the evening?

Faust: Through corn and stubble, see that black dog running?

Wagner: I saw him long ago: he seems a wretched thing.

Faust: Look at him closely! What do you make of him?

Wagner: A dog that, in the way they do,

Sniffs around to find his master.

Faust: See how he winds in wide spirals too,

Round us here, yet always coming nearer?

And if I’m right, I see a swirl of fire

Twisting about, behind his track.

Wagner: Perhaps your eyesight proves a liar,

I only see a dog, that’s black.

Faust: It seems to me that with a subtle magic,

He winds a fatal knot around our feet.

Wagner: I see his timid and uncertain antics,


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All scenes are property and copyright of their owners. Scenes are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. If you would like to give a public performance of this scene, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

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