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START: Mr. Smith: Oh! How do you do....
Mr. Smith Mrs. Smith Mr. Martin Mrs. Martin Mary The Fire Chief
The Bald Soprano
START: Stanley: Evening. McCann:...
START: Stanley: Evening.
Stanley Goldberg McCann
The Birthday Party
Start: Tommy: Well Syd, when’s it going ...
Syd Tommy Ted John Tim
Breezeblock Park
Start: Oshoosi Size: Oshoosi at the...
Ogun Henri Size Oshoosi Size Elegba
The Brothers Size
Start: Ralph: The one flaw in the...
Ralphie Parker Mother Ralph Parker Randy The Old Man
A Christmas Story
START: Plum: I say we eat it while it’s ...
Miss Scarlet Colonel Mustard Mrs. Peacock Professor Plum Mrs. White Mr. Green
Clue: On Stage
START: Green: Well, where is our host?...
START: Green: Well, where is our host?
Wadsworth Miss Scarlet Colonel Mustard Mrs. Peacock Professor Plum Mrs. White Mr. Green Man
START: Kynaston: Damn! Betterton: What? ...
Edward Kynaston Thomas Betterton Samuel Pepys Villars
Compleat Female Stage Beauty
START: Leo (as they reach the bottom of ...
Otto Sylvus Leo Mercure Ernest Friedman
Design for Living
START: BEN: You haven’t been to work in ...
Ned Weeks Alexander Weeks Benjamin Weeks
The Destiny of Me
Start: Seward: What is—where did this...
Dr. John Seward Renfield Abraham Van Helsing
Start: Harker: Mina! Mina: Jonathan,...
Jonathan Harker Abraham Van Helsing Mina Dr. John Seward
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