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Mom's voice: (Off stage) Jeff? Jeffrey? ...
Text Video
Scott Liam Shelley Jeff
Back to the Summer
Theodore: Alright, you’re on in two...
Simon Goldberg Isadora Kyveli Theodore Anna Alejandro
Backstage Out of Control
Alejandro: (whispering from the window) ...
Anna : (exhausted) Your wife poisoned...
Simon Goldberg Theodore Anna Alejandro
EUELPIDES (to his jay) Do you think I...
Euelpides Pithetaerus Trochilus
The Birds
THE CAPTAIN. (taking out his watch and...
Driscoll Yank The Captain Second Mate
Bound East for Cardiff
MAN wakes up suddenly in an empty...
Man Brody Derek Ricky
Broderick Adams
Faruzeh: Hurry up I told them dinner at ...
Old Man Faruzeh Abbas Hosro Sepideh Sadam
The Burqa Master
MARLA JEAN Nobody move! This is a stick ...
Nobody move! This is a stick ...
Ashley Savannah Stephen Lance Dwayne Ruby Sue Bobby Lou Marla Jean Harley Earline Crawford
A Carolina Christmas
William: Well, well, well. Boss Crudo....
William Wells Jack Donovan Virginia Moorehead Lester Foley
Change the Station
AMY (coming down R. to LORD FANCOURT)....
Jack Chesney Charley Wykeham Lord Fancourt "Babbs" Babberley Kitty Verdun Amy Spettigue
Charley's Aunt
(A dungeon in the palace. Cinderella is ...
Cinderella Buttons Griselda Prince Rudolf Queen Alexandra King Henry Guard
Cinderella and Buttons
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