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Start: Lavrenti: Where’ve you come...
Grusha Vachnadze (or Vashnadze) Lavrenti Vachnadze Aniko Vachnadze
The Caucasian Chalk Circle
START: MARTHA: Do you play bingo? ...
Lena Martha Babe
City of Shadows
George Everybody’s being horrible...
Natalie Herzen George Herwegh Natasha Tuchkov
The Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck
Start: Jess: Act One, Scene One In the...
The "Adam" Character The “Jess” character The “Daniel” character
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)
Start: Adam: Ladies and gentlemen,...
Leticia: Alejo, how are you?
Orlando Leticia Alejo
The Conduct of Life
Start: Mrs. Culver: I think I’d much...
Constance Middleton Mrs. Culver Bernard Kersal
The Constant Wife
Start: Lenny: Hey, I have an idea --...
Lenora “Lenny” Magrath Margaret “Meg” Magrath Rebecca “Babe” Botrelle (nee Magrath)
Crimes of the Heart
DA: (Looking out) There she is at long...
Charlie Patrick Tynan Da (Nick Tynan) Mother (Maggie Tynan)
Start: Jack: Did I hear the church bell ...
Kate Mundy Maggie Mundy Father Jack Mundy
Dancing at Lughnasa
START: Olwen (distressed). Robert,...
Robert Caplan Freda Caplan Olwen Peel
Dangerous Corner
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