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Start: Hal: You wrote this?...
Catherine Harold Dobbs (Hal) Claire
Start: Nat: (Holds up toy) Keep or...
Becca Nat Howie
Rabbit Hole
Start: Mrs. Fryer: Thirty-five dollars...
Grace Fryer Tom Kreider Anna Fryer
Radium Girls
Start: Mrs. Fryer: Grace? Mr. Markley...
Grace Fryer Edward Markley Anna Fryer
Start: RUTH: So you went and did it!...
RUTH: So you went and did it!
Lena Younger (Mama) Ruth Younger Walter Lee Younger
A Raisin in the Sun
Start: Mother: He’s home. He’s home!...
Mother: He’s home. He’s home!
Jim Stark Mr. Stark Mrs. Stark
Rebel Without a Cause
Start: Plato: They’re looking for you....
Plato: They’re looking for you.
Jim Stark Judy Brown Plato
START: UI: Okay. Here’s the problem....
Arturo Ui Giuseppe Givola An Actor
The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui
PHILOMENA: Why, I do spy that cloud of...
Pelajia Patchnose Philomena Moosetail Annie Cook
The Rez Sisters
Start: Abby: Oh good, you’re back!...
Abby: Oh good, you’re back!...
Abby Binder Marilyn Dunne Scotty
Start: General: Not too early, I ...
The General Hooper Moulsworth Vadim Romanoff
Romanoff and Juliet
AFA: You can swim, papa? HOUNAKIN: Non.
Afa Augustin Hounakin
The Sea at Dauphin
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