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PELAGEA: The warden will be watching...
Pelagea Vlassova Pavel Vlassov Warden
The Mother
Start: BRANT--(bowing with an...
BRANT--(bowing with an...
Lavinia Mannon Captain Adam Brant
Mourning Becomes Electra
Start: LAVINIA--You better sit down....
LAVINIA--You better sit down....
Lavinia Mannon Christine Mannon
Start: ORIN--(without looking at her)...
ORIN--(without looking at her)...
Christine Mannon Orin Mannon
Start: PETER--Hello, Vinnie. (He sits...
PETER--Hello, Vinnie. (He sits...
Lavinia Mannon Captain Peter Niles
Start: Giles: What is all this? Mollie, ...
Giles: What is all this? Mollie, ...
Mollie Ralston Giles Ralston
The Mousetrap
Start: Trotter: Yes, Mrs. Ralston,...
Trotter: Yes, Mrs. Ralston,...
Mollie Ralston Sergeant Trotter
Start: Trotter: (without turning his...
Trotter: (without turning his...
Miss Casewell Sergeant Trotter
START: SAM: They’re in the movie...
Savannah Gibson Sam Matt Jenny
Mr. Burns, a Post-electric Play
OLIVIA: Well, George? GEORGE: What are...
OLIVIA: Well, George?
GEORGE: What are...
George Marden Olivia Telworthy
Mr. Pim Passes By
OLIVIA: George and I have had some...
Olivia Telworthy George Marden Lady Marden Brian Strange Dinah
DINAH: Darling, you haven't kissed me...
Dinah Brian Strange
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