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Start: Theresa: Your daughter has weird ...
Theresa Julie
Mr. Wolf
Start: Robert: Mother…your stitches are ...
Mary Lincoln Robert Lincoln
Mrs. Lincoln
Start: Sarah: I’m in a crisis. David:...
Start: Sarah: I’m in a crisis.
Sarah Bradley David Bradley
Mud, River, Stone
Start: Norwood: But I want to know...
Norwood: But I want to know...
Colonel Thomas Norwood Robert Lewis
Mulatto: A Tragedy of the Deep South
START: CRADDOCK: Sit down, please, Miss ...
Miss Blacklock Inspector Craddock
A Murder is Announced
Start: EDDIE: Oh, you’ve got music....
EDDIE: Oh, you’ve got music.
Nikki Crandall Eddie McCuen
The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940
START: RUDYARD. ‘It was not part of...
Rudyard Kipling Carrie Kipling
My Boy Jack
START: Chauncey: I daresay the finest...
Chauncey Miles Ned
The Nance
Start: Pablo: Tania! There you are!...
Start: Pablo: Tania! There you are!
Tania Del Valle Pablo Del Valle
Native Gardens
Start: Virginia: Well, we are so happy...
Tania Del Valle Pablo Del Valle Virginia Butley Frank Butley
Start: Pablo: I know it’s after...
Pablo Del Valle Frank Butley
START: HART. Gwynn! NELL: Mr. Hart! ...
Nell Gwynn Charles Hart
Nell Gwynn
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