The tragic love story of Lucia di Lammermoor follows Lucia and Edgardo, members of opposing houses in Scotland who are carrying on a secret affair. Enrico, Lucia’s brother, forces Lucia to marry another nobleman, Arturo, lying to her, saying that Edgardo has betrayed her and married someone else. Lucia is devastated and, so deep in her grief, that she starts to lose her sanity. Edgardo bursts in on the wedding, and curses Lucia for betraying him. After the wedding, Lucia goes mad and kills Arturo in their wedding bed. Edgardo knowing nothing of her madness, vows to a duel with Enrico. Lucia finally dies, imaging she is going to heaven. As her coffin is carried by, Edgardo learns of her death and kills himself to be with her in heaven.
Lucia di Lammermoor guide sections