Set in a nightclub bathroom in the 1970s, Stags and Hens revolves around two groups: Dave's bachelor party and Linda’s bachelorette party (known in the UK as stage and hen parties). When they unknowingly end up at the same venue on the eve of their wedding, chaos ensues as they spend their evening heading in and out of their respective bathrooms. With the groom passed out with his head down the toilet bowl and Linda questioning her life choices, just how will their evening end? Tensions come to a head when Peter, Linda’s ex-boyfriend arrives to play a gig at the same venue. The discussions, arguments, and coarse banter of the two groups reflect the societal pressures, cultural norms, and personal insecurities of working-class Liverpool in the 1970s. The characters' personalities, conflicts, and interactions drive the comedic yet poignant narrative.
Stags and Hens guide sections