Chickens by Mitch Emoff is a modern dramedy that centers around a 12 year-old farm girl named Maddie and her uncle Bryson. After losing her parents in a tragic accident, Maddie moves in with her uncle, who is disconnected from the world outside his corporate job. Though Bryson has insulated himself from loving again due to the passing of his wife years before, he can’t bear to see Maddie get put up for adoption. After Maddie’s ‘test visit’ to Bryson’s Nashville condo, Bryson leaves his comfort zone and moves to Maddie’s family farm in North Carolina. Though it sometimes feels like Maddie is the more responsible of the two, Bryson fights through his own pain in order to adjust and make a home for Maddie. The play explores themes of family, responsibility, love, and faith as Bryson struggles to care for Maddie, learn about farm life, and reconnect with the emotional side of life he has long ignored.
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