13 (Thirteen)


Writers: Dan Elish Robert Horn Jason Robert Brown


Right on the brink of his thirteenth birthday, Evan Goldman is facing a big turning point in his life, his Bar Mitzvah. As he comes near this point of adulthood, he laments the pressures of puberty, on top of his parents' messy divorce (“13/Becoming a Man”). Just as Evan feels a bit more confident, his mother breaks the news that he will be moving with her to Indiana. He is less than pleased to be going, but does make friends with his neighbor, Patrice, once he arrives. He tells her that there are no places to have his big Bar Mitzvah in lame Indiana, Patrice agrees that it is totally lame, but attempts to make him feel better anyway (“The Lamest Place in the World”).

It is now time for Evan to face a daunting task, his first day at a new school. We meet the most popular guy in school, Brett. Brett has his eye on a pretty girl named Kendra, and works up the nerve to ask her out on a date. He asks her to a scary movie, with the bold idea that when she gets scared he can kiss her (“Hey


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