The story begins with Willy Wonka inviting the audience into his world of mystery and magic (“Pure Imagination”). Alongside his factory workers, the Oompa Loompas, he explains how he is planning to retire and must find a new heir to his candy fortune (“Golden Age of Chocolate”).
The setting shifts to a small shack belonging to the Bucket family. The small house holds Charlie Bucket as well as his parents and all four grandparents. Outside his home he meets up with his friends James and Matilda, along with other school children, as they wait for the Candy Man. Even though Charlie can’t afford candy like the rest of the kids, the Candy Man slips him a lollipop anyway (“The Candy Man”). Charlie takes a newspaper home with him, even though it was a day old. The family reads of Wonka’s plan to hold a contest where he hides five Golden Tickets amongst his chocolate bars. The five lucky children will not only get to tour his mysterious factory, but also win a lifetime supply of chocolate.
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