

Writers: Robert Horn David Yazbek


Act One

  • "Opening Number" - Ensemble, Michael
  • "Whaddya Do" - Michael
  • "What's Gonna Happen" - Sandy
  • "Whaddya Do" (Reprise) - Michael
  • "I Won't Let You Down" - Dorothy
  • "I'm Alive" - Julie, Ron, Max, Dorothy, Ensemble
  • "There Was John" - Julie, Dorothy
  • "I Like What She's Doing" - Rita, Julie, Stuart, Suzie, Ron, Max, Dorothy, Ensemble
  • "Who Are You?" - Michael, Julie
  • "What's Gonna Happen" (Reprise) - Sandy
  • "Unstoppable" - Michael/Dorothy

Act Two

  • "Jeff Sums It Up" - Jeff, Michael
  • "Gone, Gone, Gone" - Julie, Female Trio
  • "Who Are You?" (Reprise) - Julie
  • "This Thing" - Max
  • "Whaddya Do" (Reprise) - Jeff, Michael
  • "The Most Important Night of My Life" - Max, Suzie, Stuart, Rita, Ron, Ensemble
  • "Talk to Me Dorothy" - Michael
  • "Arrivederci!" - Dorothy, Julie, Max, Ensemble
  • "What's Gonna Happen" (Reprise) - Sandy
  • "Thank You" ("Talk to Me Dorothy" Reprise) - Michael

A song with an asterisk (*) before the title indicates a dance number; a character listed in a song with an asterisk (*) by the character's name indicates that the character exclusively serves as a dancer in this song, which is sung by other characters.

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