The show begins with Janis Sarkisian and Damian Hubbard alongside the Show Choir acting through the fourth wall and inviting the audience to listen to their story, hoping the audience takes something away from it (“Mean”).
The scene then moves over to the real world where the new girl in town, Cady Heron, prepares for her new life in Chicago. Being from Kenya, Cady is unsure of what to expect from a typical high school. However, she quickly learns that being different is not so cool, and the other students certainly aren't ready to accept someone who doesn't understand anything about typical teenage life. Even so, Cady doesn't let it get her down. If she could handle life in the wild she can certainly handle high school, right? (“It Roars”). Unfortunately, it does not take long before Cady realizes fitting in is much harder than she had thought (“It Roars (reprise)”). Cady then meets Damian and Janis, who thankfully are willing to help her out in finding where she belongs. They brief
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