SPY! The Glorious Mind of Agent Garbo


New Work
Writers: Ken Mastel


  • * Song 1 - Overture
  • *Song 2– This Is Garbo - Torre, M/F Ensemble
  • Song 3- As Quick as the Wind/Trains Torre,Juan,Ensemble
  • Song 4- I Am Just Juan - Juan, Ariceli
  • Song 5- Dancing With The Beast - Juan
  • * Song 6- Arabel Perfect Nazi - Federico, male ensemble
  • Song 7 - Who is Arabel - Tomas, Sarah, Officer
  • Song 8 - I Hate the English - Ensemble
  • *Song 9 - They’ll Come For You - Moonbeam, ensemble
  • Song 10 - Do You Love This- Ariceli
  • * Song 11 - In the Mind of Garbo - Juan, Ensemble
  • * Song 12 - Man of the World - Juan, 2M 1F ensemble
  • Song 13 - Just Imagination - Ariceli and Juan
  • * Song 14 - FUSAG - Patton, Male Ensemble
  • * Song 15 – Tonight We’re Talking Jive- Garbo Girls
  • Song 16 - Stay In Calais- Juan, Federico,Ensemble
  • Song 17 - Garbo Is No More - Harris, Torre, Sarah
  • Song 18 – Normandy – Torre, Cast, Juan
  • Song 19 - -Curtain call - This Is Garbo (reprise, finale) -Cast

A song with an asterisk (*) before the title indicates a dance number; a character listed in a song with an asterisk (*) by the character's name indicates that the character exclusively serves as a dancer in this song, which is sung by other characters.

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