A Minister's Wife


New Work
Writers: Austin Pendleton Joshua Schmidt Jan Levy Tranen Michael Halberstam George Bernard Shaw


A Fine October Morning - Rev. Morell, Prossy Garnett & Rev. Lexy Mill

Sermon - Rev. Morell, Prossy Garnett & Rev. Lexy Mill

The Hoxton Freedom Group… - Rev. Morell & Prossy Garnett

Candida’s Coming Home - Rev. Morell, Prossy Garnett & Candida Morell

Enchantment - Rev. Morell, Prossy Garnett, Rev. Lexy Mill, Candida Morell & Eugene Marchbanks

In Response - Prossy Garnett & Rev. Lexy Mill

Stagger Me, My Boy… - Rev. Morell & Eugene Marchbanks

The First Preaching Match: The Love of a Fool - Rev. Morell & Eugene Marchbanks

Kingdom of Heaven - Rev. Morell & Eugene Marchbanks

Is It Like This for Her Here Always? - Rev. Morell & Eugene Marchbanks

Shy, Shy, Shy - Prossy Garnett & Eugene Marchbanks

Isn’t He Foolish? - Prossy Garnett & Rev. Morell

Shallops and Scrubbing Brushes - Candida Morell & Eugene Marchbanks

Off to the Guild of St. Matthew - Rev. Morell, Prossy Garnett, Rev. Lexy Mill, Candida Morell & Eugene Marchbanks

At the Gate of Heaven - Eugene Marchbanks & Candida Morell

Candida, Candida! - Eugene Marchbanks & Candida Morell

The Man Candida Married… - Rev. Morell & Eugene Marchbanks

The Second Preaching Match - Rev. Morell, Eugene Marchbanks & Candida

Champagne - Rev. Morell, Prossy Garnett, Rev. Lexy Mill & Candida Morell

I Am to Choose, Am I? - Rev. Morell, Eugene Marchbanks & Candida

The Bids for Candida - Rev. Morell, Eugene Marchbanks & Candida

Spoiled From the Cradle - Rev. Morell, Eugene Marchbanks & Candida

Into the Night - Rev. Morell, Prossy Garnett, Rev. Lexy Mill, Candida Morell & Eugene Marchbanks

A song with an asterisk (*) before the title indicates a dance number; a character listed in a song with an asterisk (*) by the character's name indicates that the character exclusively serves as a dancer in this song, which is sung by other characters.

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