Priscilla, Queen of the Desert


Writers: Stephen Elliot Allan Scott


Glenn Pollard

Nantwich, England

  • Ensemble at CAMS (2021)

Aiden cruise


  • Diva at Rosny College (2023)

Aiden cruise

Hobart TAS, Australia

  • Diva at Rosny college (2023)

Joey Clarkson

Leeds, UK

  • Miss Understanding at Futurist Theatrical Productions (2024)

merrelle k. jackson

Vallejo, CA

  • Ensemble at Solano College Theatre (2020)

Nathan Horrod

Bourne End, England

  • Benji at Woking Theatre (2019)

Meredith Vaughn

Tuscaloosa, AL

  • Ensemble at University of Montevallo (2019)

Patrick Wayne Brewer

San Francisco, California

  • Farrah/ Young Bernadette, Frank & Dance Captain at Theater rhinoceros

Alana Clark

Brisbane, Queensland

  • Marion at Playhouse Theatre Bundaberg (2022)

Joshua Galang

Canberra, Australian Capital Territory

  • Benji at Free-Rain Theatre Company

Priscilla, Queen of the Desert guide sections