Legally Blonde


Writers: Heather Hach Laurence "Larry" O'Keefe Nell Benjamin


Kristen McQuaid

Queens, New York

Megan Furness

Allen, Texas

Meredith Lowery

McKinney, Texas

Mia Karrh

Stuart, Florida

Emilie miles

Hitchin, England

  • Kate at The priory school (2022)

Carly Morales

Staten Island, New York

  • Kate/Judge at Wagner Lifelong Learning (2020)

Ashley Mosher

Franklin, MA

meredith julia muirhead

Wantagh, New York

  • Paulette Bonafonte at Raffaele Theatrical Productions (2018)
  • Vivienne Kensington at Seaford High School (2019)

Connor Murray

New Rochelle, NY

  • Elle's Dad, Judge, H&H Shop Employee, Harvard Law Student | Vocal Captain at Andover High School Drama Guild w/ CAST (2019)

Myles Arnold

Charlotte, North Carolina

Grace Nachreiner

Hartford, CT

Breanne Nielson

Palm Springs, CA

  • Elle Woods at American Theatre of Actors

Nieve Allott

Newcastle upon Tyne, England

  • Margot at Whitley bay operatic society

Mac Nowalk

Arlington, Virginia

  • Law Student/Ensemble at Washington-Liberty High School Theatre Department (2019)

Legally Blonde guide sections