The fable of The Cunning Little Vixen, also known as The Adventures of Vixen Sharp-Ears, is a story of the cyclical nature of life. The Vixen cub that the Forester takes home with him eventually grows up and has cubs of her own. The Frog that the cub chases past the Forester in the first scene has gone through the same cycle, and his grandchild passes the Forester in the final scene. Regardless of what the humans are doing in the story, the forest continues to go through its cycle of life, renewing and replenishing. On a parallel level, the humans in the story are following the same cycle. They are falling in love and getting married, and trying to ascribe a deeper meaning to these events beyond the continuous cycle of life.
With the option of performers taking on several small roles across the opera, or doubling a supporting role with one of the animals, this opera is particularly suitable for flexible casting situations, such as in schools or colleges.
The Cunning Little Vixen guide sections