Sir John in Love


Writers: Ralph Vaughan-Williams


Author’s Note: This opera is through-composed with no strict scene delineations. Indications are given here of when the action changes, or particular arias or duets, at the author’s discretion. Other breakdowns may vary.

Act One

Scene One

  • Introduction
  • What hoa, what hoa’ - Shallow, Evans, Slender, Page, Bardolf, Pistol, Nym, Simple
  • ‘Ahem’, ‘I had rather than forty shillings’ - Anne, Slender
  • ‘This is my father’s choice’ - Anne, Fenton
  • ‘Hark ye, master Slender would speak a word with you’ - Page, Anne, Fenton
  • ‘Vere is dat knave Rugby?’ - Caius, Rugby, Simple, Quickly, Fenton

Scene Two

Act Two

Scene One

  • Introduction
  • ‘Thine own true knight’ - Mrs. Page, Mrs. Ford
  • ‘Sigh no more ladies’ - Quickly, Mrs. Page, Mrs. Ford

Scene Two

  • ‘Bardolph! Bardolph, I say!’ - Falstaff, Bardolph, Quickly
  • ‘Go thy ways, go thy ways, old Jack!’ - Falstaff
  • ‘There’s one Master Brook below’ - Bardolph, Ford, Falstaff
  • ‘Ha, is this a vision?’ - Ford
  • ‘Vere is mine host’ - Caius, Host, Slender, Shallow, Page

Act Three

Scene One

  • Introduction
  • ‘Yet hear me speak’ - Fenton, Host
  • ‘Fair and fair and twice so fair’ - Host, Chorus of Young Women
  • ‘But listen, good mine Host’ - Anne Page, Chorus of Young Women, Host

Scene Two

  • Introduction
  • ‘When as we sat in Papylon’ - Evans, Simple
  • ‘Yonder he’s coming’ - Simple, Evans, Shallow, Slender, Host, Page, Caius
  • ‘Come, Master Ford’ - Page, Ford, Simple, Slender, Shallow, Caius, Evans, Host, Rugby

Scene Three

  • Introduction
  • ‘What, John! What, Robert!’ - Mrs Ford, Mrs Page, John, Robert, Quickly
  • ‘Alas, my love, you do me wrong’ - Mrs Ford, Falstaff
  • ‘Mistress Ford!’ - Quickly, Mrs Ford, Falstaff, Mrs Page
  • ‘When I was a bachelor’ - Ford, Men’s Chorus, Mrs Ford, Robert, Page
  • ‘Is not there a double excellency in this?’ - Mrs Page, Mrs Ford, Ford, Evans, Caius, Slender, Shallow, Host, Page, Pistol, Nym, Rugby, Chorus

Act Four

Scene One

  • Introduction
  • ‘Pardon me, wife’ - Ford, Mrs Ford, Page, Mrs Page, Evans
  • ‘There is an old tale that goes Herne the hunter’ - Mrs Page, Mrs Ford, Page, Ford, Evans, [Anne Page, Quickly, Shallow, Simple, Bardolph, Robert, Nym, Host, John, Rugby, Pistol with] Chorus
  • ‘Master Doctor a word with you’ - Mrs Page, Slender, Page, Caius, Evans, [Principals with] Chorus
  • Interlude

Scene Two

  • Introduction
  • ‘The Windsor bell hath struck 12’ - Falstaff, Mrs Ford, Mrs Page, Anne, Chorus
  • ‘But till ‘tis 1 o’clock’ - Quickly, Chorus, Anne
  • Dance of the Fairies - Caius, Slender, Robin, William, Anne, Fenton,
  • ‘But stay! I smell a man of middle earth’ - Evans, Falstaff, Chorus [and Principals], Quickly
  • ‘Nay, do not fly’ - Page, Mrs Page, Ford, Mrs Ford, Host, Bardolph, Nym, Pistol, Quickly, Evans
  • ‘Yet, be cheerful, knight’ - Page, Mrs Page, Shallow, Slender, Simple, William, Caius, Robin, Rugby, Ford
  • ‘My heart misgives me’ - Mrs Page, Chorus, Fenton, Anne, Page
  • ‘Stand not amazed’ - Falstaff, Anne, Mrs Page, Mrs Ford, Quickly, Fenton, Pistol, Chorus [and remaining principals]

A song with an asterisk (*) before the title indicates a dance number; a character listed in a song with an asterisk (*) by the character's name indicates that the character exclusively serves as a dancer in this song, which is sung by other characters.

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