Act One
Scene One
Recitative ‘Quando avran fine’ - Ilia
No. 1 Aria ‘Padre, germani, addio!’ - Ilia
Scene Two
Recitative ‘Radunate i Troiani’ - Idamante, Ilia
No. 2 Aria ‘Non ho colpa’ - Idamante
Recitative ‘Ecco il misero’ - Ilia, Idamante
Scene Three
Recitative ‘Scingete le catene’ - Idamante
No. 3 Chorus ‘Godiam la pace’ - Chorus
Scene Four
Recitative ‘Prence, signor, tutta Grecia oltraggi’ - Elettra, Idamante
Scene Five
Recitative ‘Ma quel pianto che annunzia?’ - Idamante, Arbace
Scene Six
Recitative ‘Estinto è Idomeneo’ - Elettra
No. 4 Aria ‘Tutte nel cor vi sento’ - Elettra
Scene Seven
No. 5 Chorus ‘Pietà, numi, pietà!’ - Chorus, Idomeneo
Scene Eight
Recitative ‘Eccoci salvi alfin’ - Idomeneo
Scene Nine
Recitative ‘Oh voi, di Marte’ - Idomeneo
No. 6 Aria ‘Vedrommi intorno’ - Idomeneo
Scene Ten
Recitative ‘Spiagge romite’ - Idamante, Ilia, Idomeneo
No. 7 Aria ‘Il padre adorato’ - Idamante
No. 9 Chorus ‘Nettuno s’onori’ - Chorus
Act Two
Scene One
Recitative ‘Siam soli; odimi Arbace’ - Idomeneo, Arbace
No. 10 Aria ‘Se il tuo duol’ - Arbace
Scene Two
Recitative ‘Se mai pomposo apparse’ - Ilia, Idomeneo
No. 12 Aria ‘Se il padre perdei’ - Ilia
Scene Three
Recitative ‘Qual mi conturba i sensi’ - Idomeneo
No. 13 Aria ‘Fuor del mar ho un mare in senso’ - Idomeneo
Scene Four
Recitative ‘Sire, da Arbace intesi’ - Elettra, Idomeneo
Scene Five
Recitative ‘Chi mai del mio provò’ - Elettra
No. 13 Aria ‘Idol mio! Se ritroso’ - Elettra
Scene Six
Recitative ‘Sidonie sponde!’ - Elettra
No. 15 Chorus ‘Placido è il mar’ - Chorus, Elettra
Scene Seven
Recitative ‘Vatene, Prence’ - Idomeneo, Idamante
No. 16 Trio ‘Prià di partir, o Dio!’ - Idomeneo, Idamante, Elettra
No. 17 Chorus ‘Qual nuovo terrore’ - Chorus
Recitative ‘Eccoti in me, barbaro Nume!’ - Idomeneo
No. 18 Chorus ‘Corriamo, fuggiamo!’ - Chorus
Act Three
Scene One
Recitative ‘Solitudini amiche, aure amorose’ - Ilia
No. 19 Aria ‘Zeffiretti lusinghieri’ - Ilia
Scene Two
Recitative ‘Principessa, a tuoi sguardi’ - Idamante, Ilia
No. 20 Duet ‘S’io non moro a questi’
Scene Three
Recitative ‘Cieli! Che vedo?’ - Idomeneo, Ilia, Idamante, Elettra
No. 21 Quartet ‘Andrò ramingo e solo’
Scene Four
Recitative ‘Sire, all reggia tua’ - Arbace, Ilia, Idomeneo, Elettra
Scene Five
Recitative ‘Sventurata Sidon!’ - Arbace
No. 22 Aria ‘Se colà ne Fati è scritto’ - Arbace
Scene Six
No. 23 Recitative ‘Volgi intorno lo sguardo’ - High Priest, Idomeneo
No. 24 Chorus ‘O voto tremendo!’ - Chorus, High Priest
Scene Seven
No. 25 March
No. 26 Recitative and Chorus ‘Accolgi, o re del mar’ - Idomeneo, Chorus
Scene Eight
Recitative ‘Sire, il prence Idamante l’eroe’ - Arbace, Idomeneo
Scene Nine
Recitative ‘Padre, mio caro’ - Idamante, Idomeneo
No. 27 Aria ‘No, la morte io non pavento’ - Idamante, Idomeneo
Scene Ten
Recitative ‘Ferma, o Sire, che fai?’ - Ilia, Idomeneo, Idamante, High Priest, Elettra, Arbace
No. 28 Recitative ‘Ha vinto Amore…’ - Neptune, Idomeneo, Idamante, Ilia, Arbace, Elettra,
No. 29 Aria ‘D’Oreste, d’Ajace’ - Elettra
Final Scene
No. 30 Recitative ‘Popoli, a voi l’ultima’ - Idomeneo
No. 31 Aria ‘Torna la pace al core’ - Idomeneo
No. 30 Chorus ‘Scenda, amor, scenda’ - Chorus
A song with an asterisk (*) before the title indicates a dance number; a character listed in a song with an asterisk (*) by the character's name indicates that the character exclusively serves as a dancer in this song, which is sung by other characters.
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