The Vanishing Bridegroom


Writers: Judith Weir


Act I: The Inheritance

The Deathbed

  • ‘There was a man’ - Narrator
  • ‘Cold, icy rain’ - Eldest Son, Middle Son, Youngest Son, Doctor, Chorus
  • The Dying Man sits up ‘Sons, my sons!’ - Dying Man, Sons
  • The Dying Man dies ‘Farewell to him’- Sons, Doctor, Chorus
  • ‘Gone!‘ - Sons
  • ‘I knew your father certainly’ - Doctor, Sons

The Passion

  • The Bride and her Lover ‘Between your two arms til morning’ - Bride, Doctor, Sons
  • The Bride's Father materialises ‘Her father discovered their love’ - Doctor, Father, Bride, Sons
  • The Wedding ‘I would sleep wherever his bed might be’ - Bride, Bridegroom
  • ‘He ended the wedding’ - Doctor, Bridegroom, Sons

At the Lover's House

  • The Lover appears with a light ‘What brought thee here?’ - Lover, Bride
  • A Priest appears ‘Gloria’ - Lover, Priest, Priestly Quartet (Doctor, Sons or Chorus)

The Wood

  • The Lover vanishes - Doctor, Thick Wood (Chorus), Bride, Sons
  • ‘In the trees of the Thick Wood’ - Doctor, Thick Wood, 2 Bad Robbers, Good Robber
  • ‘Let me go!’ - Bride, Good Robber, Bad Robbers, Thick Wood
  • The Bride and the Good Robber vanish into the distance - Doctor, Good Robber

The Reckoning

  • ‘Now. Which of these people …’ - Doctor, Male Chorus, Sons
  • ‘Shame!’ - Doctor, Male Chorus, Eldest and Middle Sons

Act II: The Disappearance

The Hill

  • Introduction

At Home

  • ‘I pray Peter’ - Wife, Three Women, Husband, Husband’s Friend

Towards the Hill

At Home

  • ‘He just walked out’ - Three Women, Wife
  • ‘People just disappear’ - Policeman
  • The Friend enters, distraught - Friend, Policeman, Three Women, Wife
  • ‘People don't just disappear’ - Policeman, Friend, Three Women

The Hill

  • ‘Shiúbhlainn leat ro na trì na gleanntan’ (I’d go with you through the three glens) - Chorus

At Home

  • ‘He's gone, he's gone’ - Women, Two Girls, Wife

The Hill

  • ‘I think you told me a lie’ - Policeman, Friend
  • ‘I went to the Land of the Living’ - Husband, Chorus
  • ‘Could you not let me be for an instant?’ - Husband, Friend, Daughter, Wife, Women

Act III: The Stranger

  • ‘There was a man riding frae the east’ - Daughter, Stranger, Chorus
  • ‘You are whiter than the swan’ - Stranger, Daughter
  • The Stranger performs a miracle ‘Lo! Lo! Spheres spheres’ - Chorus
  • ‘Come away with me’ - Stranger
  • ‘What a charming young man’ - Mother, Father, Daughter, Preacher
  • ‘Hooves!’ - Preacher, Mother, Father
  • The Priest marks a circle - Preacher, Chorus
  • ‘No fire shall burn me’ - Daughter, Stranger
  • ‘Hosts of angels on thy side’ - Chorus

A song with an asterisk (*) before the title indicates a dance number; a character listed in a song with an asterisk (*) by the character's name indicates that the character exclusively serves as a dancer in this song, which is sung by other characters.

The Vanishing Bridegroom guide sections