The Vagina Monologues


Writers: Eve Ensler


Show Information

Number of Acts
First Produced
Dark Comedy
Simple/No Set
Time & Place
All over the World
Cast Size
Ideal for
All-Female Cast, College/University, Community Theatre, Diverse Cast, Ensemble Cast, Regional Theatre
Casting Notes
Mostly female cast
Includes young adult, adult, mature adult, elderly characters


Through her interviews with more than 200 women, Eve Ensler chose some of the greatest stories about vaginas to include in The Vagina Monologues. The stories range from happy, to sad, to angry, to confused, but they are all spoken in an effort to empower women and celebrate the vagina. Ensler explores many topics: sex, relationships, sexual violence, sex work, menstruation, and more, and we get to meet women from all corners of the world who have very different lives, all dealing with how to have a relationship with their vagina. Ensler was astonished when she started interviewing people by how uncomfortable everyone felt. Nobody spoke of their vagina with ease and many could hardly say the word out loud, She has spent the years since the premiere of The Vagina Monologues trying to erase that taboo through fighting for female empowerment and advocating to stop violence against girls and women. The Vagina Monologues is one of the great political plays of our time and is a must see for anyone who is a woman or knows a woman.

Lead Characters

The Vagina Monologues guide sections